Scops launches new podcast on parasite control in sheep

A sheep industry health initiative has joined the podcasting craze to further its message on sustainable parasite control in sheep.

Three podcast episodes are already available via the Sustainable Control of Parasites (Scops) website as part of a new “audio knowledge exchange drive” across the internet.

Scops chairman Kevin Harrison said the podcast was for vets, farmers and advisers and should be a “really useful new tool” for the UK sheep sector.

See also: What to do when worm reinfection limits lamb growth rates

He said: “Scops already has a huge range of resources on its website, plus a great system for issuing updates and warnings at key times of the year, but this is an extra string to the bow that busy people can access on the go.”

The first three episodes (which are part of a four-part series) cover the following:

The Scops podcasts are being produced in conjunction with the National Sheep Association and Ben Eagle of RuralPod Media.